Thursday 12 June 2014

Kashmiri Child labour protested against the forced labour in Muzaffarabad

Kashmiri Child labour protested against the forced labour in Muzaffarabad
Muzaffarabad - June 12, 2014:

The children of Kashmir engaged in forced labour have protested in front of Central Press Club Muzaffarabad by demanding the State authorities and Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir for legislations and taking solid steps ensuring their rights. The children are working in sanitary, motor workshops, hotels, domestic child worker, Load transportation and local construction work. The Innocent tear shedding children demanded ban on domestic child labour in Muzaffarabad; and provide free education, nutrition, health and protection. A large number of people from civil society have joined them; while the Child Rights Movement (CRM) and its member organization; Sustainable Development Organization (SDO), Durawa Development Organization (DDO) and Khushi International have made Solidarity with the labour children.

Nazir (a child labour) while taking with media “I wish to get education, but no one supported me to get education; even my family didn’t afford my expenses. That’s why I am forced to be engage as labour in crush and sand carriage”. He demanded that Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should provide me free education as other countries are providing their all children.
The children protesting demanded the State authorities should ban the domestic child labour in Azad Kashmir. They specially stressed to end slavery of the children who are working in the homes of officers in Kashmir.

While a tear shedding innocent child told that he is engaged in domestic labour from 3 years and he has to face the cruel behavior and often their master beat them He demanded that “I wish to get education, toys and beautiful uniforms like other children enjoying in my surroundings.

In this occasion Khurram Jamal Shahid a Child Rights Activist said “Its urgent needed that AJK Government should also legislate “Child Marriage Prohibition Bill” and “Corporal Punishment Bill” like four provinces of Pakistan to stop the forced and early marriages, ban on child labour and Prohibition of corporal punishment in Azad Kashmir. Furthermore its need that Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should establish a separate department for Child Welfare & development so as to proper address the issues and bridging the gaps to promote the child rights”.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Government of AJ&K state should increase budgetary allocation for children: CRM AJ&K

Press Conference

Government of AJ&K state should increase budgetary allocation for children: CRM AJ&K

Muzaffarabad - June 02, 2014: The Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) should increase budgetary allocation for children in the coming budget for Financial Year 2014-15 said Khurram Jamal Shahid, Coordinator Child Rights Movement (CRM) AJ&K during a press conference in Muzaffarabad who was accompanied by members of the CRM AJ&K Chapter. CRM is a coalition of more than 170 organizations across Pakistan with chapters at the federal level, all the four provinces, FATA and State of AJ&K.

The Government of AJ&K should allocate resources for improving the child health and survival situation in the State. There is a need to strengthen routine immunization system with enough vaccinators (at least two per UC), strong monitoring and accountability systems with a focus on the far flung and hard to reach areas and poor population. The Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should also make budgetary allocation for increasing the number of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) in the State so that 100% population is covered. Budgetary allocation by the State government is also important to make sure that the bag of the LHW is filled with medicines and other commodities. The Government of AJ&K should also invest more in Community Midwives so that Maternal Mortality Ratio and Newborn Mortality Rates could be controlled and put the state on track to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 said CRM’s representatives.

AJ&K Government has failed to achieve MDGs related to achieving Gender Parity in Education by 2005 and still not on track as only 35% of the students enrolled in the State are females. Similarly, the ratio of teachers and school buildings is also 35% for girls and 65% for boys. There are 4,188 primary schools in the State of which only 1,866 are for girls and 2,322 (including Masjid schools) are for boys. Similarly, out of 14,972 primary school teachers only 6,903 are females and 8,069 are male teachers. The Government of AJ&K should respond to this situation in the 2014-15 budget for education and should allocate resources specifically focusing on gender disparity. More resources should be allocated for recruiting female teachers, building female schools and introducing incentives for girls in the areas where girls’ enrollment is still poor.
The CRM again congratulated Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir for Cabinet’s approval of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Child Protection Policy in 2011 and hoped that this will be enacted soon. However, since implementation of laws is always a challenge in AJ&K, It’s high time that the AJ&K Government should allocate sufficient resources to ensure implementation of the laws said CRM’s Coordinator. Government should make budgetary allocation for the establishmentof Child Protection System in the State said, the CRM AJK Coordinator. The Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should allocate budget for establishing CPUs in all districts of the State with sufficient trained human resources and an effective response and referral mechanism so that the children of the State are protected from violence, abuse, exploitation and the law is implemented in letter and spirit.

The Government of AJ&K should also allocate budget for the implementation of the Juvenile Justice System Act (JJSA) 2003 in the State. Under the JJSA every child in contact with the law is entitled to free legal aid at State’s expense however, no budgetary allocation for the purpose is resulting in no children getting benefit of this legal provision. Similarly, budgetary allocation is also required for appointment of Probation Officers in Districts of the State and establishment of at least one Borstal Institution. Appointment of Probation Officer will not only help reduce the number of juveniles but also the number of other prisoners who are in minor offenses or first offenders opined CRM’s representatives.

حکومت آزادجموں وکشمیر کوبچوں کے حقوق کو یقینی بنانے کے لئے آمدہ بجٹ 2014-15میں خاطر خواہ اضافہ کرے۔

حکومت آزادجموں وکشمیر کوبچوں کے حقوق کو یقینی بنانے کے لئے آمدہ بجٹ 2014-15میں خاطر خواہ اضافہ کرے۔

مظفرآباد : 2جون 2014

حکومت آزادجموں وکشمیر کوبچوں کی بہبود کے لئے آمدہ بجٹ 2014-15میں خاطر خواہ اضافہ کرنا چاہئے۔ بچوں کے حقوق بہتر دیکھ بھال کے لئے مناسب اقدامات نہ اٹھائے گئے تو ہم اقوام عالم میں اپنا بہتر مقام حاصل نہیں کر سکتے۔ خرم جمال شاہد کوآرڈینیٹر چائلڈ ررائٹس موومنٹ آزادکشمیر نے کہا کہ حکومت آزادجموں وکشمیر کو بچوں کی بہبود اور تحفظ کے لئے خاطر خواہ اقدامات اٹھاتے ہوئے آمدہ بجٹ میں صحت اور تعلیم کے شعبے کے لئے میزانیہ میں اضافہ کرنا چاہئے۔ حفاظتی ٹیکہ جات، ویکسینینش کو مذید موثر انداز میں چلانے کے لئے یونین کونسل کی سطح پر ویکسینیٹرز اور لیڈی ہیلتھ ورکرز کی تعداد میں اضافہ کے ساتھ ساتھ مانیٹرنگ کا موثر نظام وضع کرنے کی ضرورت ہے تاکہ کوئی بچہ مناسب دیکھ بھال اور ویکسینینش کے بغیر نہ رہ سکے۔ دوائیوں کی فراہمی کو ممکن بننانے اور کمیونٹی مڈ وائف کی تعداد میں اضافہ کے لئے مناسب اقدامات اٹھانے کی ضرورت ہے تاکہ ماں اور نوزائدہ بچوں کی اموات میں خاطر خواہ کمی لائی جا سکے۔ 

آزادجموں وکشمیر گورنمنٹ تعلیمی شعبے میں صنفی تفاوت کو ختم کرنے میں بری طریقے سے ناکام رہی ہے۔ صرف 35 فیصد بچیاں زیرتعلیم ہیں جسکی بنیادی وجہ بچیوں کی تعلیم کے لئے تعلیمی ڈھانچے کمی ہے صرف 35 فیصد گرلز تعلیمی ادارہ جات کی عمارات موجود ہیں جسکے مقابلے میں بوائز ادارہ جات کی 65 فیصد عمارات موجود ہیں۔ اس وقت ریاست میں پرائمری سکولوں کی تعداد 4188 ہے جسمیں بچیوں کے لئے 1866 اور بچوں کے لئے 2322 ادارہ جات موجود ہیں جس میں واضح فرق موجود ہے۔ پرائمری سکول ٹیچرز کی کل تعداد 14972 میں سے گرلز ٹیچرز کی تعداد 6903 اور بوائز ٹیچرز کی تعداد 8069 کے واضح فرق کے ساتھ موجود ہے۔ حکومت آذادکشمیر کو بچوں اور بچیوں کی تعلیمی تفاوت کو دور کرنے کے لئے بچیوں کی تعلیم کے لئے آمدہ بجٹ میں اضافہ کرتے ہوئے بچیوں کی تعلیم کی فروغ کے لئے سکیمیں متعارف کروانی چاہئے۔ 

چائلڈ رائٹس موومنٹ آزادجموں وکشمیر حکومت سے مطالبہ کرتی ہے کی چائلڈ پروٹیکشن پالیسی پر عملدرآمد کے ساتھ ساتھ چائلڈ پروٹیکشن بل کی اسمبلی سے منظوری کے لئے فوری اقدامات اٹھاتے ہوئے ریاست سے بچوں کی حقوق کی پامالی روکنے کے لئے اقدامات اٹھانے کی ضرورت ہے جسمیں سکولوں میں بچوں کی مار پیٹ پر پابندی، چائلڈ لیبر کے خاتمے، جبری اور کم عمری کی شادیوں کی روک تھام جیسے اقدامات اٹھانے کی اشد ضرورت ہے۔

Thursday 6 March 2014

Child Rights Movement (CRM) Kashmir Chapter
SDO AJ&K, New P.O.Box # 38, GPO Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir

CRM invites INGOs, NGOs, registered LSOs academia, media and legal experts and private sector from Azad Jammu & Kashmir State for membership.

In view of the severely exploitative and abusive situation of children in Pakistan a group of like-minded NGOs realized that one off projects have not been able to solve the issues of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children. Hence there is a need for a joint and collective efforts on part of the civil society. This movement cannot be created without the active participation of all civil society actors coming together on a single platform. It is also important to note that countries where comparative progress has been made to address children’s issues have done it through strong civil society advocacy and monitoring and by working collectively towards a common goal. Hence a Child Rights Movement has been formed in Azad Kashmir with the following vision and mission. 

“All children enjoying their rights” 

“To create an enabling environment for children through collective advocacy on child rights issues” 

·        Eligibility Criteria for membership
·          Organizations
§  working on child rights
§  be a registered organization
§  not involved in any religious or political associations
§  Should adhere to the child protection minimum standards policy
§  Working in jurisdiction of State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir

·         Individuals
§Expert in child rights
§Should adhere to the child protection minimum standards policy
not involved in any religious or political associations
§Should have no criminal record

&: You are all requested to fill the form, get print, signed / stamped and send a hard copy at SDO AJK, New P.O.Box # 38, GPO Muzaffarabad, 13100 Azad Kashmir, and soft copy of Form at &

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Child Rights Movement (CRM)

Child Rights Movement is a state level advocacy group working to reform failing child welfare systems. We are committed to ensuring rights are realized. To deal with the exploitative and abusive situation of children in Kashmir, a group of likeminded NGOs realized that there is an urgent need to start a child rights movement in the country to tackle the widespread violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children.

The movement could not be created without the active participation of all civil society actors coming together on a single forum. It is also important to note that countries where comparative progress has been made to address children's issues have done it through strong civil society advocacy monitoring and by working collectively towards a common goal. The Child Rights Movement (CRM) was established with the aim to work jointly for the promotion and protection of child rights in Azad Kashmir.

MissionTo create an enabling environment for children through collective advocacy on child rights issues.

Child Rights Movement , Kashmir
AJK Secretariat: Sustainable Development Organization, Muzaffarabad Office.
Ph # 05822-203397, Cell # 0300-9773466