Tuesday 3 June 2014

Government of AJ&K state should increase budgetary allocation for children: CRM AJ&K

Press Conference

Government of AJ&K state should increase budgetary allocation for children: CRM AJ&K

Muzaffarabad - June 02, 2014: The Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) should increase budgetary allocation for children in the coming budget for Financial Year 2014-15 said Khurram Jamal Shahid, Coordinator Child Rights Movement (CRM) AJ&K during a press conference in Muzaffarabad who was accompanied by members of the CRM AJ&K Chapter. CRM is a coalition of more than 170 organizations across Pakistan with chapters at the federal level, all the four provinces, FATA and State of AJ&K.

The Government of AJ&K should allocate resources for improving the child health and survival situation in the State. There is a need to strengthen routine immunization system with enough vaccinators (at least two per UC), strong monitoring and accountability systems with a focus on the far flung and hard to reach areas and poor population. The Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should also make budgetary allocation for increasing the number of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) in the State so that 100% population is covered. Budgetary allocation by the State government is also important to make sure that the bag of the LHW is filled with medicines and other commodities. The Government of AJ&K should also invest more in Community Midwives so that Maternal Mortality Ratio and Newborn Mortality Rates could be controlled and put the state on track to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 said CRM’s representatives.

AJ&K Government has failed to achieve MDGs related to achieving Gender Parity in Education by 2005 and still not on track as only 35% of the students enrolled in the State are females. Similarly, the ratio of teachers and school buildings is also 35% for girls and 65% for boys. There are 4,188 primary schools in the State of which only 1,866 are for girls and 2,322 (including Masjid schools) are for boys. Similarly, out of 14,972 primary school teachers only 6,903 are females and 8,069 are male teachers. The Government of AJ&K should respond to this situation in the 2014-15 budget for education and should allocate resources specifically focusing on gender disparity. More resources should be allocated for recruiting female teachers, building female schools and introducing incentives for girls in the areas where girls’ enrollment is still poor.
The CRM again congratulated Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir for Cabinet’s approval of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Child Protection Policy in 2011 and hoped that this will be enacted soon. However, since implementation of laws is always a challenge in AJ&K, It’s high time that the AJ&K Government should allocate sufficient resources to ensure implementation of the laws said CRM’s Coordinator. Government should make budgetary allocation for the establishmentof Child Protection System in the State said, the CRM AJK Coordinator. The Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir should allocate budget for establishing CPUs in all districts of the State with sufficient trained human resources and an effective response and referral mechanism so that the children of the State are protected from violence, abuse, exploitation and the law is implemented in letter and spirit.

The Government of AJ&K should also allocate budget for the implementation of the Juvenile Justice System Act (JJSA) 2003 in the State. Under the JJSA every child in contact with the law is entitled to free legal aid at State’s expense however, no budgetary allocation for the purpose is resulting in no children getting benefit of this legal provision. Similarly, budgetary allocation is also required for appointment of Probation Officers in Districts of the State and establishment of at least one Borstal Institution. Appointment of Probation Officer will not only help reduce the number of juveniles but also the number of other prisoners who are in minor offenses or first offenders opined CRM’s representatives.

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